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In the particle technology academy, we have bundled our expertise thereby offering different options for knowledge transfer.

Expert courses, open and in-company 

Every year we organize one or more open (two or three day) expert courses at our premises in Wateringen.  These courses are typically at BSc to MSc level, but are also suitable for technicians, research assistants and technicians who have some working experience in the respective area.
On request we can customize our particle technology knowledge into an in-company course of which the topics addressed perfectly match the customer’s requirements.


Besides our expert courses we also organize several one-day seminars (two to three times a year) on topics devoted to powder characterization and solids processing.

Knowledge center

Through the years we have (co-)written articles, white papers and newsletters. They have been bundled and made available through our knowledge center.

Exhibitions and conferences

Furthermore we transfer our knowledge by organization of- and participation in exhibitions and conferences.


When you are looking for an unconventional facility for organizing your courses and company training, you can book our training facility at our premises in Wateringen.