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Dustiness Day 2024 – Seminar

Date(s) - 15 October 2024
All Day

Van Der Valk hotel Delft A4

Dustiness Day 2024 - Seminar


Dustiness day 2024

In October 2024 we will organize in close collaboration with a number of partner companies and organizations the Dustiness day 2024 covering different themes associated with dust and small particles.

Lectures will be devoted to e.g.


  • Sources of dust formation
  • Health Safety Environment
  • Dustiness regulations  – EFSA / REACH
  • Dust mitigation by dust filtration
  • Dust explosions
  • Dustiness suppression during powder processing
  • Dustiness monitoring in workplace and environment
  • Qualification and quantification of dustiness potential of products
  • Prediction of human exposure to airborne matter

The seminar offers an interactive program designed for anyone who is working in the field of powders and solid materials in general. Especially those who are working with fine particles, where small particles are created due to processing and e.g. attrition, and anyone who is exposed to dust and airborne solid matter. Besides the lecture program, also a hands-on session is scheduled in the program. In this hands-on session the participants  will work in teams on various case studies that are thereafter interactively discussed in a plenary session. The main goal of this event is sharing knowledge on this theme. The seminar ends with a networking event in the hotel bar.


UPDATE – We will even showcase a LIVE DUST EXPLOSION during the event !


Companies that already have agreed their active participation are Hosokawa Micron, ISMA, Buro Blauw, Orffa, Delft University of Technology, Lampe Group, and Delft Solids Solutions.


More information on our activities devoted to dustiness measurements can be found on these pages for micrometer based dustiness investigations and nano-particle oriented dust measurements.


Practical information

Date: Tuesday October 15th 2024


Location: Van der Valk hotel Delft A4, Den Hoorn, The Netherlands


8:45 – Arrival with coffee/tea
9:30 – Opening


Cost: € 495,- (excl. VAT)


Coordinates of the hotel are:

Peuldreef 3, 2635 BX Den Hoorn, The Netherlands


Program and Presentations

The lecture program of the Dustiness Day 2024 is as follows:


8:45  – Arrival and welcome with coffee/tea

9:30  – Welcome


9:45  – Gabrie Meesters (TUDelft) – Strength of Particles and Sources of Dust Formation

10:30 – Brecht Bruneel (Orffa N.V.) – Consequences and Need to Control Dust in Feed Additive Production and Usage


11:00 – Coffee/tea break


11:20 – Martijn Lampe (Lampe group) – Dust Filtration put into Practice

11:50 – Shannon Groen (Delft Solids Solutions) – Exposure to Dust and Methodologies for Determining the Dustiness Potential of Solid Materials


12:20 – Lunch


13:10 – Michel Vandeweyer (ISMA) – The Dust Explosion Phenomenon: Principles, Demo and Case Study

13:40 – Albert Kaptijn (Hosokawa Micron) – Advanced Powder Processing to Prevent Risks of Exposure and Dust Explosion

14:10 – Mark Kosters (Buro Blauw Luchtkwaliteit) – Dust Concentration Measurements – 3 Different Methods for Stack Emissions, Outdoor Air, and Workplace


14:40 – Introduction case studies followed by coffee/tea/refreshment break

Case studies in teams


16:10 – Presentations on outcome case studies

16:45 – Closure and Network Event in Bar


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