Home » Events » 2nd edition Powders & Granules course – Physical Properties and Behaviour 2023

2nd edition Powders & Granules course – Physical Properties and Behaviour 2023

Date(s) - 6 December 2023 - 7 December 2023
09:00 - 17:00

Delft Solids Solutions

2nd edition Powders & Granules course – Physical Properties and Behaviour 2023


Why the course Powders & Granules:
Physical Properties and Behavior?

The Powders & Granules course deals with the processing of powders and granules, also called bulk solids technology. It is of great importance for various branches of industry, such as the chemical, pharmaceutical, coating, food and feed industry. Depending on the sector, the degree of solids involved can vary from 30-80% of the total product flow. In each of these processes the physical properties (such as cohesiveness, particle size distribution, compressibility, density, etc.) of powders and granular material will greatly affect the quality of the product and the flow properties of powders. Especially in the latter case, powders differ greatly from liquids and gases. Powder particles and granules can also experience wear during production, storage and (pneumatic) transport. The forces encountered can be divided into impact forces, compressive forces and abrasive forces. Impact and compressive forces can break powder
particles and granules whereas abrasive forces can cause fines and dust, and this is often an undesired phenomenon.

The processing of powders and granules is still mainly an empirical routine, although the theoretical and practical knowledge on this subject is increasing rapidly. Also more and more techniques become available to mimic the behavior in powder processes on a laboratory scale. That is why we have scheduled this course Powders & Granules

This course examines various techniques to characterize and approaches to test bulk powder behavior. The “flow ability” and “flood ability” of bulk powders are essential in powder storage. Bulk crushing strength but also the tensile strength of individual pellets, granules, and tablets are key in physical transport, as well as the wear and tear (attrition, abrasion) that powder particles and granules can experience. As a result of the latter, the tendency to produce dust (dustiness) can be a point of concern as it impacts on product quality and process conditions, but it can also be relevant for health, safety and environment. Not only when mixing but also during subsequent unit operation as conveying, dosing or storage, demixing (segregation) of powder blends can occur and this should be carefully considered.

This course teaches you how to make the connection between powder properties and physical properties (e.g. particle size with powder flow and compaction) on the one hand and the modeled background of these properties on the other. You will learn how powder flow can be determined and how to change powder properties, so that the performance can be adjusted in applications.

For whom?

You are a process engineer, mechanical engineer, food technologist or chemist with a bachelor or academic background and you are working in an industry where solids are processed or manufactured (powders, granules, etc.). Also as operator, analyst, or otherwise interested in these topics, one can greatly benefit from this course.



Solids Technology can be divided into four themes: powder flow and storage, production, handling and physical transport. The course is structured according to these themes, and gives practical meaning to it. A strong link will be made between theory and practice. Below is a list of subjects that will be discussed and questions that will be answered:

  • Powder flow and storage: shear stress, wall friction, consolida­tion of powders, shear testing, hopper design
  • Production: formulation, granulation, coating, milling
  • Handling: mixing and segregation (also in relation to particle properties); how to manage it and how to measure it
  • Solids transport and the strength of particles, also in relation to attrition, formation of dust, etc.


The course will be given on the location of Delft Solids Solutions in Wateringen (near Delft), where a well-equipped laboratory is available.
Among various readings there are short demonstrations. Many of the experimental methodologies and techniques discussed can be seen in operation.



The course consists of two successive days of 8 hours each.


End result

After the course you understand the basic concepts of processes and techniques in which powders and granules play a role. You will be able to design or modify a process in such a way that it is optimally adapted to produce products with the desired properties. On the basis of the many examples, you develop a comprehensive understanding of how powder and granulate properties can be decisive for the final application and how to adapt these.



Upon completion of the course you’ll receive a certificate of participation.

Other info

Location and dates


This course Powders & Granules is held at the premises of Delft Solids Solutions, Molenweer 2B, 2291 NR Wateringen, The Netherlands.

Due to the overwhelming interest in the November edition, an extra edition of the course Powders & Granules has now been scheduled for 6 and 7 December 2023.

Financial investment

The investment in this 2-day course amounts to € 1.625,- ex. VAT.



For more information on this course, you can reach us at +31 174 271 460.
Or send an email to info@solids-solutions.com


Subscription to this course is not possible anymore – please take notice of the next course that is being organized on this topic in  2025 and 2026.


Click here to download the brochure in pdf.