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Dustiness day 2017
In May 2017 we will organize in close collaboration with a number of partner companies and organizations the Dustiness day 2017 covering different themes associated with dust and small particles. Companies that already have agreed their active participation are DSM, TNO, TOP B.V., Hosokawa, Buro Blauw, Delft Solids Solutions and Orffa Belgium.
Lectures will be devoted to e.g.
- Regulations towards dustiness – EFSA / REACH
- Health Safety Environment
- Dust explosions and ATEX directives
- Dustiness suppression during processing
- Dustiness monitoring in workplace and environment
- Qualification and quantification of dustiness potential of products
- Prediction of human exposure to airborne matter
- Sources of dust formation
The seminar offers an interactive program designed for anyone who is working in the field of powders and is working with small particles, where small particles are created due to e.g. attrition and anyone who is exposed to dust. The main goal of this event is sharing knowledge on this theme. The seminar ends with a networking event.
Practical information
Date: May 16th 2017
Location: Worldhotel Wings, The Hague Airport Hotel & Conference Centre, Rotterdam
8:45 – Arrival with coffee/tea
9:30 – Opening
Cost: € 395,- (excl. VAT)
Coordinates of the hotel are:
Rotterdam Airportplein 55, 3045 AP Rotterdam, The Netherlands
A route description can be found under this link.
Program and Presentations
Please find below a pdf version of the lectures delivered by the various speakers:
Gabrie Meesters – TUDelft / DSM
Mattijs Raadsen – Hosokawa Micron B.V.
Johan Groen – Delft Solids Solutions